Graphic Design focusing on web, print/digital materials and merch

Web Design
I design websites in WIX and Squarespace.
Every site is as unique as the individual
or business that it's designed for.
Visually grabbing, clean design, easy to use.
Click for web design example 1
Click for web design examples 2
click for web design example 3
Photo: Full web design on Squarespace for Vancouver musician Kate Yahn
Print & Digital Material
From invitations, social media graphics, to major print items like menus, posters and brochures,
I've got you covered.
Social Media Branding Example 1
Social Media Branding Example 2
Photo: Social media post series for OPUS Mocktails

Making physical items like hats, t-shirts, tote bags
stand out with original design and illustration!
For businesses, for individuals who want something special for an event, and for other artists (especially musicians) to adorn personalized swag.
Photo: Merch design for personal music project NESS NÖST
Happy Clients
